Design for Disassembly

The actual period when the product is used by the consumer could be seen as a small step within a fast-turning product life-cycle, so the key to successful dfd lies in maintaining flexibility within assemblies, easy component separation and easy access to parts.

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    To summarise:

    • Choose recycling-compatible materials (as far as possible).
    • Avoid using materials which require separating before recycling (re-use is ok, subject to performance testing).
    • Use as few components and component types as possible (without compromising the structural integrity or function of the product).
    • Integrate components (which relate to the same function) where possible.
    • Standardise the use of fasteners – use commonly available parts and maintain consistency within the design.
    • Make components easily separable.
    • Apply non-contaminating markings (e.g. Through etching or moulding) to materials for ease of sorting.
    • Maintain good access to components and fasteners. Consider making the plane of access to components the same for all components.
    • Do not paint plastic parts or other coatings which may contaminate other plastics when recycled.
    • Consider the use of adsm technology for non-temperature-critical products.